YouTuber Renegade Trucker recently sent us this clip, showing a car driver dangerously cutting him off and brake checking his rig on an otherwise empty road.

In the video, the driver of a Cadillac leaves an empty left lane and slams on his brakes — enough to cause a scare for any driver. Clearly, YouTuber commenters were all in agreement about the dangers of the car drivers reckless maneuver.

Lee Hilton 4 days ago
That’s one way to become a hood ornament on a semi”
Taylor Ewing 4 days ago
this has happened to me before. My heart was in my throat for a few minutes after that lol
Bravo 4 days ago
Well if he wants to get crushed by a semi that is a good way of making it happen
tractorboy31 3 days ago
that caddy would make a nice hood ornament as long it dont hurt the new engine. stay safe