The History Channel’s hit reality show, Ice Road Truckers, has been made famous by showcasing the real-life dangers that come along with the job. Filmed in remote locations, the series details the lives of truck drivers who risk it all to complete vital deliveries while traveling across treacherous terrain.

While most drivers on the show have been seasoned veterans, an unlikely new driver is now stealing the limelight. 22-year-old rookie driver, Steph Custance, made her appearance on Thursday’s season 10 episode.

Looking for much needed new drivers, Polar boss Mark Kohaykewych put Custance to the test—and she passed. Although the young mother has less than a year of commercial driving experience, she didn’t back down from the challenge.

This young driver will be the latest addition to this season’s team of truckers. Get ready to watch her tough it out on one of the harshest roads in North America.

Steph is excited to see where this road will take her.

She is quickly becoming a fan favorite among the trucking community–and she’s been making appearances.

A look at her Facebook page shows her passion for trucking.

And it’s clear that her fans just can’t get enough.

To see more of the young trucking star, you can follow her on Facebook.