A pedestrian bridge still under construction collapsed on top of multiple cars in Miami on Thursday.

The 950 ton bridge collapsed on March 15th across all lanes of Southwest Eighth Street near 109th Avenue and Florida International University’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus in West Miami-Dade, Florida.

According to the Florida highway Patrol, the 174 foot bridge collapsed on top of “several” cars killing “several” people. The exact number, as well as information on any injuries sustained, has not been released. It is not yet clear if any workers were on the bridge at the time of the collapse, reported WSVN News.

“We are shocked and saddened about the tragic events unfolding at the FIU-Sweetwater pedestrian bridge,” wrote FIU in a statement.

At this time we are still involved in rescue efforts and gathering information. We are working closely with authorities and first responders on the scene. We will share updates as we have them.”

The pedestrian bridge, which connected the city of Sweetwater with the FIU campus, was part of a project meant to improve safety for students of FIU that walk to campus.