Police say a semi truck hauling food products overturned after attempting to speed past another big rig, nearly sending the tractor trailer barreling down an embankment.

The accident happened outside of Hirschdale, California on Wednesday afternoon, May 16th.

According to an officer with the California Highway Patrol, the semi truck was traveling “at unsafe speeds” along Interstate 80 when it attempted to pass another tractor trailer. The first semi truck then lost control, slamming into the guardrail before flipping over it, ripping open the trailer and nearly plummeting down the side of an embankment.

Luckily, no injuries were sustained in the incident.

The contents of the trailer were spilled across the roadway, and cleanup took around five hours as crews worked to clear the debris and right the overturned rig, reported News 4.

The incident has since been cleared. It is not known what citations, if any, were issued as a result of the crash.