Police say a bicyclist that crossed an intersection on a red light caused a concrete truck to swerve, strike an ambulance, and overturn.

It happened on Sunday, September 10th at approximately 5 p.m. in Denver, Colorado where Broadway meets Arapahoe Street and Avenue West.

According to CBS Denver, the bicyclist, who was traveling on the road, failed to stop at the intersection and blew a red light, forcing the truck to swerve to avoid a collision. Despite swerving, the truck struck the bicyclist, crashed into an ambulance and then overturned.

The bicyclist, as well as a passenger in another vehicle, were taken to a nearby hospital with minor injuries.

The concrete truck then began leaking a brown liquid from the trailer.

“It is a cement mix,” said Marika Putnam, a spokeswoman for the Denver police, reported the Denver Post.

Broadway was closed for approximately 2 hours as crews cleaned up the mess.