The New Mexico State Police have reached out to LiveTrucking for help in spreading the word about a potential killer hanging around truck stops across the country.

Officer Ray Wilson of the New Mexico State Police got in contact with the team here at LiveTrucking and requested we share the following information:

In November of 2017, the New Mexico State Police found a handwritten message on a truck stop bathroom wall. The message said something similar to this:

“The body is at milepost 123. You have to figure out which state and highway. TSK.”

Follow-up investigation revealed that another message had been written at a truck stop in another state. The wording of the two messages is almost identical. The only difference is the milepost.

“We want to ask your help in spreading this information to your followers in hopes someone has seen the messages in other places,” Wilson added.

“This would help our investigators track down the person writing the messages and determine the validity of the messages.”

The New Mexico State Police are asking any and all truck drivers who have seen similar handwritten messages in public bathrooms across the United States to please contact the New Mexico State Police at [email protected]. Alternatively anyone with information may leave a voice message at 505-863-1161.