Nissan is making a move against the texting and driving epidemic with the development of a signal blocking armrest.

A video of the proposed prototype, dubbed “Signal Shield,” was released by Nissan in the UK earlier this week.

The new arm rests will come equipped with a special compartment built to house a cellular device and block all Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, phone tower, and other data services from reaching the phone.

The signal blocking technology used by Nissan comes from an invention of the 1930’s, the Faraday cage. The Faraday cage uses a wire mesh to prevent electromagnetic fields from reaching whatever is inside.

Nissan has incorporated this antique principle into its new anti-phone arm rests.

Although “Signal Shield” was shown and mentioned exclusively in regards to the Nissan Juke, it is unclear when this new feature will be available and whether or not it will extend to other Nissan models.

Nissan Motor GB managing director Alex Smith considers the Nissan “Signal Shield” as “one possible solution for giving drivers the choice to remove all smartphone distractions while driving.”

Check out Nissan’s video here.