A motorist was killed after driving into a semi truck that overturned in foggy conditions on Monday morning.

The incident happened on Monday, October 30th at approximately 4:45 a.m.in Lodi, California.

According to local KCRA news, a tractor trailer hauling walnuts was traveling in foggy conditions on eastbound Highway 12 when the driver crossed into oncoming traffic. After crossing the center line, the driver tried to swerved back into his lane but over-corrected, causing him to lose control of the rig and overturn.

A Volvo sedan driving west on Highway 12 then crashed into the overturned rig, sending the car into a nearby ditch where it was partially buried by the walnuts as they spilled from the truck.

That motorist was pronounced dead on scene.

The unidentified truck driver’s legs were initially pinned inside of his cab, but he was able to escape with only minor injuries.

Oil from the walnuts covered the roadway, making the Highway treacherously slippery. Crews spent several hours cleaning up the oil and clearing the wreckage from the roadway, reducing Highway 12 to one lane.

Traffic was backed up until approximately 11:30 a.m. The highway has since been reopened.