A man recently published this footage online, showing a truck driver running multiple red lights while allegedly on the phone.

The video was uploaded by YouTube channel ‘Clueless Drivers of South Carolina‘ who wrote the following caption, “We all make mistakes, but running two red lights in a row is not an accident.”

Although it’s not visible in the video, the YouTuber says the driver was on his phone when it happened.

“This was the first time I have ever called the police on a reckless driver. One red light was bad enough, but two is inexcusable. He was ON HIS PHONE and the second light had been red for plenty of time for him to react and stop, even if he is driving a fully loaded semi,” he writes.

“Use caution and put down your phone. It isn’t worth killing someone else and going to prison.” he added.

The video was uploaded on September 26, 2016. It’s not known if the driver was later stopped and/or received a citation.