A man who stole a semi truck was arrested on Saturday after crashing the rig into a light pole while “ranting incoherently” over the CB radio.
It happened on Saturday, September 23rd at 613 West Main Street in Immokalee, Florida.
According to Naples News, on Saturday, employees for Lipman Produce witnessed a man enter one of their Freightliner semi trucks and drive it away.
As the thief was leaving, a rear door on the trailer swung open and got caught on a fence post, tearing off the door.
Lipman Produce employees then called the police and went searching for the stolen tractor trailer.
The semi truck thief, 19-year-old Alfredo Perez, then crashed the semi truck into a light pole nearby, and that’s where the Lipman Produce employees found him.
According to the arrest report, police arrived on the scene and “found the semi, still running, with Perez in the passenger seat.” Perez refused to exit the cab and was screaming into the CB radio, yelling out “all will be forgiven under God.”
Perez continued to ignore police commands to exit the vehicle and officers were forced to break the passenger side window and pepper spray him.
Police say the “spray appeared to not affect Perez” and he “continued to rant incoherently into the microphone.” An officer then broke open the driver’s side door and tried to remove Perez from the cab, but Perez wrapped his left arm around the steering wheel and held on. One officer had to hit Perez with “a number of strikes” and another had to use a stun gun to remove him from the vehicle.
Perez was then placed in handcuffs and officers “observed that his behavior may have indicated he was under the influence of a ‘mind-altering substance.’”
Perez then became unresponsive and was taken to a nearby hospital where he “refused to talk” to officers and continuously lost consciousness.
One officer was treated for exposure to pepper spray, but no other injuries have been reported.
Perez currently faces charges of third degree grand theft auto and resisting an officer without violence, reported WINK News.
He is scheduled to appear in court on October 16th. A bond has not been set.