Massachusetts law enforcement is urging drivers to clear snow and ice from their vehicles after a chunk flew off a semi truck and into an ambulance.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, March 14th in North Reading, Massachusetts.

According to NBC Boston, two paramedics were driving their ambulance behind a semi truck while on their way back from an emergency call along Route 128 when an unknown object came flying at them.

“I was in the passenger’s seat. I ducked to the center not knowing what it was,” said Nick Lecolst, one of the paramedics in the ambulance at the time.

The chunk of ice then smashed into the windshield, cracking the glass and forcing the paramedics to pull over along with the truck driver, who stopped to make sure everyone was okay. He stayed on scene for the duration of the investigation.

“It was on the driver’s side, it could have come through the windshield, or it could have completely blocked him out, could have lost control,” said S. O’Brian, a coworker of the paramedics involved in the incident.

Following the accident, Massachusetts State Police are urging all drivers to thoroughly clear snow and ice from their vehicles before hitting the road and have even made a cheeky instructional vehicle demonstrating how to do so.

“Just make sure you are cautious and clean off the windshield and the top of your vehicles before you drive,” said Lecolst.