With all the complaints about waiting at the shipper to get loaded you have to admit that nothing beats loading it yourself, providing of course that you know how and have the right equipment. I don’t think this could be accomplished otherwise, but it’s pretty impressive.
Hauling the bales up right would make them more stable and less likely to shift during transport. This driver has mastered the technique by loading them first, then lowering the bed to just the right height while pulling forward to unload them so they flip straight up.
Without missing a beat the driver raises the bed again and backs up picking the four bales up like there is nothing to it. Too many people complain about the ability of truck drivers and I’d like to see the average person just jump in this truck and make it look that easy.
Loading this truck any other way would have required at least another person and more equipment. Talk about the efficient way of doing things. Watch this impressive video, but then it may make things harder on you the next time you’re stuck at the dock.