Robb Mariani, Host of the reality series “American Trucker,” is outraged by a meme posted on Facebook, which used his image in a controversial display.
Friends and family alerted Robb to the Facebook meme which reads, “You’re not a real trucker until you have hit a hitchhiker with your piss bottle.”
Robb posted this in response:
Mariani is challenging Facebook and other social media, holding that the site is responsible. He argues that these sites should monitor pages and posts for 24 hour periods before they are released to prevent such slander.
As reported by Click Orlando, Mariani told media, “I’m all about freedom of speech, but how about slander and defaming somebody for no reason?” He continued to say, “This is the complete opposite of something I worked very hard to achieve, which is putting the industry in a positive light.”
Mariani stated that he will be meeting with an attorney this week to find out what options he has to combat the negative Facebook posts as well as the unwelcome use of his photos.