A broken water main flooded a portion of Interstate 95 in Virginia on Monday, shutting down lanes in both directions of the highway for several hours.

The incident happened on Monday, January 8th in Richmond, Virginia.

According to WTVR News, a water main on the Broad Street bridge broke above I-95, showering the highway and flooding it with up to two feet of water at mile marker 74.

All northbound lanes, as well as one southbound lane, were closed near mile marker 74 for about an hour as crews worked to shut off the water. Northbound travelers were diverted to Maury St. at Exit 73.

The northbound lanes have since been cleared of water and reopened, but a four mile backup remains. As of 5:07 p.m., the left lane of southbound I-95 was still closed.

VDOT warns motorists to expect delays in both directions for the next few hours.