A truck driver says he took his eyes off the road for a second to check his GPS, and overturned after missing a curve in the road.

Don Young, 60, was hauling a load of meats and cheeses from Kraft Foods in Kirksville, MO to Pennsylvania when it happened. He was less than a mile outside of Hurdland, MO traveling eastbound on Highway 6, at around 4 am Thursday morning.

He says one of his headlights were out and he was having trouble seeing, so he glanced down at his GPS to help him find directions to the nearest truck stop.

“I only took my eyes off the road for a second and that was it,” Young told MemoNews. “I didn’t see the curve coming up.”

The tractor trailer overturned at the curve, and fell on its passenger side in a highway ditch. The rig was badly damaged and Young was trapped. He was not injured, but he had to break the driver’s side window to climb out.

“I was almost all the way out when someone came by and pulled over,” said Young. “I had to climb up the dashboard, steering column and steering wheel to get out.”

Emergency crews responded to the scene at around 4:45 am. A local tow truck company was still cleaning up the mess into Thursday afternoon. Young’s load was loaded into another rig, and sent back to Kraft Foods.