A man and a woman were attacked a robbed with a knife while sitting in their semi truck in Ohio on Thursday.

The robbery occurred on June 2nd on Niles Cortland Road in Howland, Ohio.

According to WKBN News, the unnamed male truck driver was sitting in the cab of his big rig with a female friend when one of the culprits, Tonya Tutoki, began banging on the window and yelling for help. The trucker then dialed 911 on his cell phone and handed it to Tutoki, but the woman hung it up as soon as it was handed to her.

Just then, the second culprit, John Holbrook Jr., pulled the trucker out of the semi truck and began hitting him in the face and head. Tutoki then entered the semi truck and threatened the woman with a knife, robbing her and the trucker of cell phones, a cell phone case containing credit cards and IDs, as well as $460 cash.

Police say that the female victim then attempted to chase down the two criminals in her vehicle but was unable to keep up with them.

Police were soon able to recover some of the stolen possessions nearby, and eventually found Tutoki and Holbrook, who were then taken into custody.

Luckily, neither of the victims were seriously injured in the incident.