Comedian Amiri King (who previously put out this viral Kenworth parody ad) is back at it again, this time giving his thoughts on what FMCSA means to the trucking industry.
As usual King holds no punches, and unleashes joke after joke about the FMCSA. “If the FMCSA had their way, you’d go so slow that Amish buggies would pass you in the hammer lane,” he says.
He also takes a crack at some of the larger carriers like Swift Transportation, “The FMCSA can solve the parking problem by banning Swift trucks — because every time they leave the parking lot, two spots open up.”
With some of the recent FMCSA proposals and recommendations, like speed limiters in trucks and sleep apnea testing for all, this clip is more true than ever.
The video was sponsored by The George and Wendy Show and online loadboard Truckitsmart.com.