The New York road system can be confusing as hell, especially for those who don’t know the area. It’s not as wide and open as it is out west, there are many twists and turns to their roads and the way things are labeled could take some time getting used to.

This seemed to be the case when a trucker accidentally took a ramp and found himself stuck at a parkway.

He almost ruined his cab on the bridge above but was fortunate enough to notice the height difference before doing anything he’d regret.

It was a good call on the driver but he put himself in a very tough spot.

There was absolutely no way of getting out of there without causing more issues so it’s possible he was escorted out by the police. Now he knows to pay more attention to the streets of New York.

Others, however, have been less fortunate. Like the fellow below who smashed into an overpass on the Northern State Parkway in Long Island.