As we all know, driving a truck for a living doesn’t come with out it’s dangers, but no matter how safe you may be, there are certain things that you just can’t prepare for. This is one of them.
A driver was in for a major a shock while traveling down Interstate 5 in Tacoma, Washington when a deer leaped over the median and straight through the semi truck’s windshield, landing in his cab.
The mangled body of the deer lay twisted around the trucks steering column and center console right next to the driver.
With shattered glass and a full grown deer besides him, the truck driver was able to pull over to the shoulder to stop.
Local police said they’ve never seen an incident like this, where a deer ended up inside of a moving big rig, and commended the driver on the way he safely handled the situation.
We can only begin to imagine the feeling the driver had as a dead deer lay on top of him as he maneuvered his rig to the side of the road. Good thing he was able to handle it like a pro, ready for anything on the road.
One of the craziest incidents you’ve heard about on the road? Share this with your trucking friends to let them know they may need to keep an eye out for something new as they travel down America’s highways — flying deer.