When a trucking client told lawyer Ted Perryman “I wish one of you would drive a mile in my shoes”, he took the message to heart. In order to better service clients in the trucking industry, it’d make sense to understand (at least a little) what they were going through.

So that’s exactly what Ted and his team did. They enrolled in a trucking school and worked towards getting their Commercial Driver’s Licenses.

Their instructor at Nu-way Driver Training, thought it was a joke at first, until he saw the young group of lawyers show up, eager to get started.

The lawyers described some of the eye opening experiences that they encountered while on the road:

“The problem you’d fully appreciate after you’ve driven for a while is you get no courtesies from other drivers on the highway. “

“It’s not until you actually go through it and get cut off by a cars, that you really understand what they have to deal with.”

Obviously, they won’t be hauling much freight, as they did it to get a leg up on other law firms and understand client’s needs better. But was it worth it? Would you feel better hiring an attorney for a trucking case if they also held a CDL? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.