Art Huntley had a tough start in life. Homeless by the age of 19, he had to learn how to survive. It would have been easy for him to give up and give in to his surroundings, but with commitment and determination, Art was able to graduate from high school and became a trucker at age 28.

After being on the road for a while, the once athletic Art found himself weighing in at 300 pounds and feeling ill. He suffered from chronic headaches, high blood pressure and painful legs. But perhaps even more than his physical pain, the pain of being lonely and depressed was the most debilitating of all.


One day during a visit with his surrogate Mom, Teresa Ogle, Art received some much needed care and the inspiration to pull himself out of the slump he was in. She gave him a red t-shirt, much smaller than his size, and told him she wanted to see him fit into that red t-shirt. Art accepted Teresa’s challenge and set out to get healthy again.

He found a trainer who put him on a high protein, low carb diet, health supplements, and plenty of exercise.

In addition to carrying a weight set in his sleeper, Art utilizes whatever he can find at truck stops to work out, and he records it too. Art says he records his workouts to show people that they’re not alone in their personal battles.

He’s now 40 pounds lighter, off his high blood pressure meds, and not so lonely anymore. The most important message he promotes is: “You can, I can, we can.”

Oh, and Art has been able to comfortably wear that red t-shirt!

Huntley wants to become a body builder, and it looks like he is well on his way! You can find Art on Facebook and Youtube helping truck drivers around the world get into shape with his motivational videos and work out tips for drivers.