On Thursday, a new law went to effect in Maine, which allows anyone over the age of 21 to carry a concealed handgun without a permit.
The new statute, titled “An Act To Authorize the Carrying of Concealed Handguns without a Permit”, will allow anyone who is not banned from owning a firearm to also carry a loaded handgun inside a motor vehicle.
In addition, anyone 18-or-older who is on active duty or has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard may also carry a concealed handgun without a permit.
Despite the new law, it’s still illegal to carry a handgun in the following places: courthouses, state parks, schools, federal building, private property (when prohibited by property owner), and establishments licensed for on-premises liquor consumption.
Anyone who is is stopped by a police officer for any reason must also “immediately inform the law enforcement officer” that they are carrying a concealed weapon.
You can read the official summary of Public Law 2015, Chapter 327 (127th Legis., LD 652) here.