Earlier this month 39-year-old Angela Bashay failed to stop at an intersection in Las Vegas and crashed into the car in front of her, killing the driver inside.

Shortly after the accident, she told reporters that a white semi truck hit her from behind, which caused her to ricochet into the car in front of her.

Some media reports and news sites immediately ran with her side the story, placing blame on the truck driver.

A police investigation, however, showed a different story.

After reviewing surveillance footage and examining evidence, police determined that the semi truck did not touch her vehicle, and that the crash was solely her fault.

According to Fox-5 in Vegas, police reports indicated that she was traveling at 81 miles-per-hour before striking the vehicle at the intersection.

On August 20th, a week and a half after the crash, Bashay was arrested and charged with reckless driving involving death.