Truck driver Mike Boeglin was murdered and set on fire in his rig earlier in 2014 as has he was on his route in Detroit.
His death was a driving force behind the movement to create a federal “right to carry” bill, which would allow transportation professionals to legally, and simply, arm themselves for self defense. The movement is aptly titled “Mike’s Law”.
Now, several months after his death, his wife, Ashley, gave birth to their daughter, McKenzie, around 7 in the morning, this Friday.
It was an especially emotional birth, as Mike couldn’t be there, but Ashley could already see him in their daughter.
“She’s got his lips and his nose and a full head of dark hair and those eyes, they’re still changing color, but they’re shaped just like her daddy’s,” she says. “Nobody else has felt the things that I’ve felt besides her because she was a part of me when everything occurred.”
Though she may not have the support of a husband, she has support from friends and family. While she was in the hospital, they had been working on the house to get it ready for McKenzie’s arrival, a project which was started by Mike.
“It’s a blessing to have so many people who care about us in our lives.” she told reporters.
There is still no suspect in Mike’s murder case but Ashley has been told the police are now working on new leads.