In an effort to attract new younger drivers, and retain their current workforce, many trucking carriers have been are increasing the mileage rate in which they pay their drivers.
US Xpress announced that they increased wages 13% last month. Other carriers like Swift, Conway Truckload, and Transport America announced pay increases or plan on raising pay in the coming months.The list is expected to get much longer.
Max Fuller, CEO of U.S. Xpress, addressed the increased pay rate for OTR solo drivers by calling it “a monumental step to becoming the carrier of choice for safe, career-minded professional truck drivers.”
Trucking analysts expect a 6% increase in driver pay this year, which is the 2nd highest increase since they started tracking the data in 1994.
Many companies in 2014 had to turn away orders as volume increased due to a shortage of qualified drivers, and as long as they remain short on drivers the pay increases are expected to continue.