A driver who got a bus stuck in the Vermont’s infamous Smuggler’s Notch escaped without a fine. Despite the new law that punishes truck drivers, a bus driver who committed the same action has apparently broken no law.

It happened over the weekend of September 10th while a bus was transporting a hockey team from Springfield, Massachusetts. The bus driver said that he got stuck in the Notch after taking a few wrong turns.

Troopers and a tow truck arrived to help the bus driver out of his situation, and he drove off scot-free.


Located in Cambridge, Vermont, this spot is notorious for trapping large vehicles within its winding roads. According to My Champain Valley, since 2009, Smuggler’s Notch has experienced over 41 such incidents.

In an effort to combat the ongoing problem, legislation designated fines for semi truck drivers who use or become lodged in the Notch. Truckers who use the road can be fined $1,000, and truckers who block traffic can face fines of $2,000. But the law doesn’t mention the other large vehicles also capable of becoming trapped.

In August, a truck driver was fined $2,000 while attempting to move his vehicle off the road in the Notch.


State police explained that GPS devices are a big source of the problem. While a GPS will tell drivers which roads are open, most devices won’t account for size restrictions.