Story City, Iowa, was planned to set up a Love’s truck stop on an empty plot of land, something that truckers would appreciate as many pass through the city’s route during their shifts, but city council has voted against it.

Some locals believe constructing a truck stop will bring in unwanted business such as prostitution, theft and other crimes. They claim they based their decision on quality of life over economic value, stating they won’t feel safe with a truck stop in their area.

Their decision caused a stir in the trucking industry, they see it as an offensive vendetta against truckers. There are many drivers who pass through Story City and use it as a pit-stop during their routes, so an actual truck stop would be more than appreciated.

To correlate honest, hardworking, truckers with sex trafficking and other crimes, it comes to no wonder why truckers are offended. So much so that they may boycott the city itself, which means no food or gas or anything that’s delivered via trucks.

Several truck driver’s on social media have threatened to boycott the town after the plans were shut down.

One driver from Minnesota, Shane Johnson, has been using the city as a pit-stop since 1992. He said he is very offended by the people of Story City and upset by how little they know about what it takes to be a truck driver. The conflict does not seem it will be resolved any time soon as council members “just want to move on from the issue”.