Truck driver Jonathan Herschberger recently shared this terrifying dash cam clip that has gone viral.

In the clip, a black car can be seen cutting off Herberger’s truck, causing him to lose control and drive into the path of an oncoming tractor-trailer. The second truck swerves off the road in order to avoid a collision, sliding into the grassy highway median.

He described the incident on his Facebook page.

Jonathan Herschberger

Probably one of the scariest incidents I’ve had one the road. Because of the wide angle lens on my dashcam everything looks farther away than it actually is. Car jumped in front of me with not more than 12 feet clearance then slammed on the brakes, couldn’t jump to the left because of another truck passing me, so it was either slam on the brakes or nail the car. I chose to slam on the brakes which caused me to start going into a jack knife, did my best to get out of the jack knife and I did get out of it but without a second to spare. Luckily the other truck driver saw what was happening and moved to left to avoid hitting me. Car kept on going like nothing happened although I’m almost sure I bumped it because my collision sensor activated on my dashcam and I thought I felt it bump but didn’t have any visible damage on the front of the truck. How both or rigs stayed upright is still a mystery to me because my truck and trailer where both sliding

Guess it was a warning for me to not take life for granted one minute I’m cruising along minding my own, and the next I’m wondering if I’ll be able to walk away from it

Thanks to great driving from both truckers, a catastrophe was avoided. The video was shared over 14,000 times on Facebook one day after it was posted.