A truck driver overturned on a bridge in Oregon earlier this week and told authorities that it was caused by a motorist who cut him off.  Now, footage of the crash has been released and some people are questioning his claims.

The accident happened on November 27th on the Marquam Bridge in Portland, Oregon. The clip of the accident was published by Youtube user hassan hassan, who recorded it on a rear-facing dash cam.

In the clip, the semi truck can be seen traveling in the outer lane of the highway, when a pickup truck switches lanes in front of his truck and continues on.  About 5 seconds later, as the truck travels around a curving highway, it overturns and flips onto the road, sending it crashing across all lanes of northbound I-5.

The driver was not injured in the incident, but northbound I-5 was shut down for approximately 8 hours as crews worked to clear the wreckage.

After the crash, the driver told police that he was cut off, which caused him to panic and lose control.  After viewing the dash cam footage, which can be seen below, many viewers are questioning his claims.

Some people believe the truck driver was simply traveling too fast, while others argue that the pickup did indeed play a factor in the rollover.

Watch the dash cam footage below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.