A semi truck overturned, spilling a load of frozen crabs on Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct on Monday afternoon.

The incident happened on the northbound lanes of SR99 around 2:30 p.m.

According to SeattlePI.com, the truck tipped over as it was taking a turn on the highway, causing the trailer to split open. Boxes of frozen crabs fell onto the highway, as well as off the highway.

One witness tweeted the following video, showing boxes of crab raining from the sky

In total, five dump trucks were needed to remove the boxes of frozen crab.


Police say the driver took the turn too fast, and issued a $550 citation for second degree negligent driving. The load, which was estimated to be worth $600,000 by a local seafood dealer, was taken to the dump.

It took cleanup crews nearly four hours to reopen the highway. Nobody was injured.