Police say a tractor trailer slipped on black ice, causing it to strike a passenger vehicle that was stopped in a travel lane, before rolling down an embankment on Saturday evening.

The incident happened around 10:45 p.m. on Interstate 93 in Windham, New Hampshire, on December 23rd.

According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, the driver of the passenger vehicle, 19-year-old Ashley St. Onge, “stopped in the right travel lane” because she was afraid to drive in the icy road conditions. She was attempting to switch places with her passenger, 19-year-old Nicholas Hadley, who would have continued driving the vehicle.

As the driver and passenger were switching places, a tractor trailer approached the stopped vehicle and was unable to stop after slipping on black ice. The semi truck struck then car before falling off the road, and down a 100-foot embankment.

St. Onge, who was attempting to get into the car’s passenger seat was still outside the vehicle at the time of the accident and was killed in the crash.

“She was so doing the right thing, but it just didn’t work out in her favor. She was such a good girl,” said her mother, Christina St. Onge.

Hadley and another passenger in the car were injured in the wreck.

The driver of the tractor trailer was not seriously injured in the crash, despite the steep drop off the road.

Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident.