One town in West Virginia has put forth proposals to stop large trucks from passing through it’s downtown area.
Safe Streets Morgantown is spearheading the proposal that forces trucks to the longer route, by traveling around Morganstown, instead of through it.
Truckers and trucking companies are fighting back however. Roger Nuseum, owner of Nuseum Trucking says the proposal would make his normal trip through the town four miles longer and add four additional traffic lights to his route.
He also points to the fact that the average car driver paid $500 in highway usage fees, while his company has paid over $180,000. He summed up his disagreement with one statement that’s hard to disagree with: “I think I’m entitled to use state and federally funded highways.”
When your paying a majority of the money used to build and care for the roads, it would make sense that you’re able to use them.
The city council will hold it’s first meeting to discuss the proposal later this month.