Three Indiana counties have teamed up to launch ‘Operation Truck Stop’ and will be significantly increasing their enforcement efforts on commercial semi trucks all week long.

Porter, LaPorte, and St. Joseph Counties are reassigning officers from various units in order to help with Operation Truck Stop; such as Detective Andrew Thomas of the LaPorte Police Department, who normally investigates burglaries, but will be hitting US-20 and SR-2 this week to assist with the commercial truck crack down.

The following intersections, which experience the highest number of accident, will be the most patrolled:

US 20 & US hwy 35
US 20 & SR 39
US 20 & Fail Rd.
US 20 & SR 2

According to Fox-28, accidents involving semi trucks have increased from 19% to 24% in the area, this year.

A significant amount of motorist complaints, such as speeding and reckless driving, have been cited as reason behind the increased enforcement efforts.