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VIDEO: This dump truck driver ain't about to let a raging creek stop him

VIDEO: This dump truck driver ain’t about to let a raging creek stop him

In video captured in North Carolina, a dump truck driver takes on a fast-moving creek -- and wins!
VIDEO: Crane truck takes down wires, traffic lights

VIDEO: Crane truck takes down wires, traffic lights

Take a look at the scene in North Carolina this morning as a crane truck takes down electrical wires and traffic lights as it makes a turn.
VIDEO: Oblivious pickup driver is just a hair away from being obliterated by a semi truck

VIDEO: Oblivious pickup driver is just a hair away from being obliterated by a...

This pickup driver might want to check and see if his paint job is still intact after a super close call with a semi truck.
CHP chief no longer employed by Highway Patrol after assaulting truck driver

CHP chief who assaulted truck driver is no longer employed by Highway Patrol

Todd Garr, a former CHP Assistant Chief who was caught on camera assaulting a truck driver while off duty, is no longer working for California Highway Patrol. The original incident occurred July 14, 2017 in...
A trucker encounters a stuck motorist on the roadway in front of him.

VIDEO: Trucker *literally* keeps America moving

A trucker encounters a stuck motorist on the roadway in front of him.
VIDEO: What every trucker needs to know about the weight of diesel fuel

VIDEO: What every trucker needs to know about the weight of diesel fuel

Smart-Trucking is back to offer up some valuable tips on how you can calculate the weight of diesel fuel.