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Tag: big rig

Man in wheelchair reminisces about accidental 55 mph ride on front of semi truck...

Ben Carpenter, a man in a wheelchair with muscular dystrophy, says that he is still getting asked about his infamous two mile ride on the front of a semi, a decade after the incident. Ben's wild...
Spokane installs new height sensors to prevent bridge strikes

Spokane installs new height sensors to prevent bridge strikes

After 37 bridge strikes in the last decade, the overpass with the worst bridge strike record in Spokane is finally experiencing an upgrade. The Stevens Avenue bridge in Spokane, Washington has just received a new...

Iowa man takes semi truck on a “wild and reckless” joyride through South Omaha

An Iowa man took a 2013 Peterbilt semi for a destructive spin through a Nebraska neighborhood, knocking down power poles, tearing up lawns, and significantly damaging the truck in the process. The incident occurred around...
VIDEO: Mechanics find a slithery surprise while working on big rig

VIDEO: Mechanics find a slithery surprise while working on big rig

Mechanics are used to finding abnormalities under the hood. This one threw them for a loop! This video was submitted on May 24, 2018.
Part of I-70 in KC metro area closing June 8 – 11 - Major traffic impacts

Expect major traffic headaches when I-70 in Kansas City shuts down for a whole...

The Missouri Department of Transportation is temporarily closing a section of Interstate 70 in the Kansas City metro area. I-70 will be closed in both directions between I-435 – I-470. The interstate will be shut...