The Indiana Department of Transportation is giving drivers advanced notice of a month-long highway closure of Interstate 65, near downtown Indianapolis, in order to repave seven bridges along the highway.
The exact date of the closure has not yet been announced, however INDOT has said that it will take place between late spring and early summer. INDOT says both direction of I-65 will close between Meridian St. and 21st. street for approximately 35 days.
“These bridges have reached their end of use for the public to drive over it. So we’re going to take off about an inch and repave those bridges,” said INDOT spokesperson Lamar Holliday.
The Department of Transportation has published the following map of the expected closures.
INDOT says they decided to shut down and repair all of the bridges at once, in order to ensure that the project isn’t spread out over several months. They’re advising drivers to use I-465 and I-865 as detours once the closure takes effect.
“We want to set ourselves up to get these bridges done so the motoring public can continue to travel down that stretch of interstate,” Holliday said.
The exact date of the closure will be announced in the coming weeks.