A semi truck overturned on the eastbound I-90 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, releasing millions of bees on the interstate.

The truck was carrying 400 beehives. The incident occurred near the location where the running portion of the Coeur d’Alene Ironman triathlon was taking place.

Rescue workers drenched the bees in water in an attempt to calm them, but most workers were stung at least once.

Coincidentally, this is the second accident of this nature in a week. Last week, a semi hauling bees overturned in North Dakota, releasing millions of bees as well.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently granted an hours-of-service exemption to bee haulers, allowing drivers to skip the federally mandated half-hour break. According to the FMCSA, the exemption was granted “for the health and welfare” of the bees.