A school bus driver has been fired after attempting to dangerously pass a FedEx truck on a single-lane road.
The incident happened in Lakewood, New Jersey, on Wednesday afternoon. It was posted online by Facebook user Stephen O’Conner, who recorded the incident on his cell phone.
According to O’Conner, before he started recording, he witnessed the bus unsuccessfully attempt to pass the truck several times by crossing the double yellow lines. When they approached the intersection he “had a feeling” something would happen and pulled out his phone. Then he captured the clip seen above.
In the clip the school bus is seen crossing double yellow lines and attempting to pass the truck on the left by driving into oncoming traffic. The truck driver refuses to let the school bus make the move and forces him farther to the left.
O’Conner says they were traveling around 20 miles per hour at the time of the incident.
The bus company, Jay’s Bus Service, fired the driver within hours of the video hitting the net. On Thursday morning, a woman who answered the bus company’s phone line told reporters “the driver was let go last night.” It’s unclear if any students were inside the bus when it took place.
FedEx’s only comment was that they are looking into the incident and “take safety very seriously.”