Driving a 40,000 pound beast for a living doesn’t come with out its dangers. Every day there are work related accidents, many of which can be avoided with the proper precautions. Here are 3 safety tips for CDL drivers to remember in order to make sure that you (and everyone around you) gets home safely.
Avoid aggressive drivers.
Over 2/3rds of all traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving behaviors. Often, being behind a big rig, you will be the one penalized even if the other driver was the initiator. The best bet is to drive defensively, keep your distance, and maintain a safe speed.
Signal early and often.
It’s important to keep in mind that automobile drivers don’t have experience driving a truck and don’t have the same feel and timing that you do as a licensed truck driver. They often underestimate the time and distance it takes for your truck to complete a turn or come to a stop. Stay safe by signaling early and starting to slow down before a complete stop is needed.
Keep your emotions in check.
It’s easy to get frustrated on the road when pedestrian drivers drive recklessly. Being in a position of power (in a truck) you must be the bigger man/woman. Instead of acting in retaliation, take a second to think of the negative effects that any incidents will have on your driving record. Many companies, even those actively recruiting, will instantly turn down a driver with a less-than-clean driving record. So relax, and don’t jeopardize your career with a silly split second decision.