Against all odds, a trucker amazingly made his way through rapid flood waters in Louisiana.
The devastating flood has uprooted the lives of thousands of victims, killing at least 13 people and destroying around 40,000 homes. The Red Cross called is the “worst disaster to hit the United States since Superstorm Sandy.”
Flood victims were forced from their homes.
People resorted to traveling by boat.
Vehicles were submerged underwater.
But the catastrophic flood waters proved to be no match for one determined trucker.
And it was all caught on camera. The footage, captured by a group who call themselves “The Cajun Navy” was filmed on a flooded Louisiana highway. This group of rescuers travel by boat and make their way through flood waters to save those in trouble.
On August 14th, the group spotted a big rig attempting to cross through dangerous flood waters on I-12.
In the video, a tanker truck is seen plowing through rapid waters that are high enough to halfway submerge the truck. Although the current is strong, it is no match for the tanker’s force which appears to move the heavy waters with ease. In the end, the tanker truck makes it safely across to dry land.
It was amazing to watch, but is certainly not one to attempt.
The Cajun Navy is dedicated to helping the victims of the flood. They’re accepting donations to help locals who’ve been devastated by the disaster. You can follow them on Facebook for more information.