Police say a teenager who was distracted on her cellphone caused a 10-vehicle pileup in York, Maine, last week.

The accident happened on Thursday, around 4 p.m., at the intersection of Spur Road and Route 1.

According to police reports, the 17-year-old driver was stopped at a red light, but began to roll forward while it was still red because she was distracted by her cell phone.

“She was stopped but then started traveling into the intersection when the light was still red. She was distracted while using a cellphone,” officer Brian Cantara said.

The teenage driver eventually rolled into the middle of the intersection, into the path of an oncoming dump truck. The truck swerved in order to avoid the car but clipped the end of it. The impact caused the truck to lose control and smash into several other vehicles before overturning. Its load of dirt spilled onto the roadway, adding to the chain reaction crash.

AJ St.  Hilaire / Seascoastonline
AJ St. Hilaire / Seascoastonline

In total, 10 vehicles were involved in the pileup, and four people were injured.

On Tuesday, October 18th, Seacoastonline reported that the 17-year-old driver was charged with two civil infractions: “a red light violation and an interim license violation for someone under 18 using a cellphone.”

She was not criminally charged. Police will not release her name because she is a minor.

Although the investigation is ongoing, Officer Cantara added that “right now it’s looking like the truck driver was not at fault.”