A dump truck loaded with gravel fell more than 50 feet and landed on a semi truck that was traveling on the highway below on Friday afternoon.

It happened on Interstate 40, near exit 205, in Nashville, Tennessee.

According to ABC-2, the dump truck was carrying gravel to a construction site on top of a hill overlooking the highway. No one was in the dump truck when it rolled away from the scene and plummeted off a cliff onto Interstate 40. Truck driver Jason Purdue, who was traveling on the eastbound lanes, looked up and saw the falling dump truck headed straight for him.

“I’m just on my way to my delivery, cruising through ‘crashville’ I call it. I look up and it’s like a movie you’re watching. You see this truck just falling out of the air.” Purdue told reporters. “I had nowhere to go. So I just locked it down and braced for impact.”

Purdue said he decided to lock up and brace for impact instead of swerving and endangering other motorists on the highway.

The dump truck smashed into the truck, severely damaging the cab. Amazingly, Purdue was not hurt. “I’m the furthest thing from religious, but someone up above is looking out for me.” he added.

Reporters contacted the company whose name was on the side of the dump truck, but they indicated they had sold the vehicle approximately two years ago. Calls to the new owner were not returned. The incident remains under investigation.