A truck driver recently captured a encounter with a disturbed motorist after a minor accident on a Nebraska highway.
The footage was sent in by Michigan-based truck driver Rob Pumfrey.
According to Pumfrey, the motorist ran into the back of his trailer, the pulled over and got of his car with a wooden club. After exiting his vehicle, the motorist then smashes the windows of his own vehicle before approaching Pumfrey’s semi.
As seen in the footage, the motorist then begins to strike Pumfrey’s truck with the club.
“So today I was driving thru the state of Nebraska and a guy in a car ran into the back of my trailer. We get pulled over and the guy proceeds to get a wooden club out of his car and smashes all of his windows out. Then runs over to the front of my truck and starts hitting my truck with this club! So I get out and start video taping. We have our exchange as seen in the video and I get back in my truck. In the meanwhile this guy is trying to get in my cab, flag cars down to get a ride. He eventually fled on foot and the state police caught him running thru a field!” Pumfrey told LiveTrucking.
Pumfrey says the motorist was arrested for criminal destruction of property and possession of meth.
“Moral of the story is you never know what can happen. Reflecting back I should of just stayed put in my truck and waited for the cops. It’s a unpredictable world out there… Stay safe everyone!” Pumfrey added.
Watch the cell phone footage below. (Warning: Video contains swearing)