Mike Matthew Semi Truck Convoy

Dozens of semi trucks came together to honor Michael “Mike” Matthews, a 56-year-old trucking veteran, who passed away after nearly four decades on the road.

The convoy took place between between the Emerson Funeral Home in Jonesboro and the Pine Log Cemetery in Brookland, Arkansas.

Matthews began his career in trucking at the age of 18, and has been on the road ever since. He passed away after a 38-year-long career, due to heart issues, on January 11th, 2018.

“Trucking meant everything to him,” his niece, Kaylee Matthews, told LiveTrucking.

Instead of a hearse, Matthews was able to take one last ride, with his casket being hauled on his son’s Peterbilt. His son, Michael Matttews, is the owner of Brookland-based Matthews Trucking.

“Mike was loved by so many and we will all miss him so much. I’m glad you got to ride One Last Time,” Kaylee Matthews added.

Watch the funeral procession, honoring the life-long trucker, below.

Photos and video by Kaylee Matthews. Used with permission.