Earlier this year, we reported on Connecticut’s decision to shut down several busy rest stops along Interstate 84 and 91. The closures were expected to save the state $1.2 million dollars annually, and help chip away at the massive $500 million deficit.

The trucking community immediately voiced their dissatisfaction. Drivers argued that the safety risks of forcing more trucks onto the highway’s shoulders and ramps (by eliminating parking), would outweigh the financial benefits.

And it worked.

As the Hartford-Courant put it, “attempts to permanently close the highway rest areas drew sharp rebukes from the trucking industry.”

Instead of closing the rest areas, the state decided to reduce staffed hours in order to save money.

The following rest stops will now be staffed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Interstate 84 in Willington and Southington.
Interstate 95 in North Stonington.
Interstate 91 in Middletown and Wallingford.

The following rest stops will now be staffed from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Interstate 84 in Danbury

The changes go into effect today, Thursday, September 29th, 2016.

During off hours, drivers can still stop and park at the rest areas, however the buildings with snacks and restrooms will be locked. A DOT spokesman said that portable toilets will be available when the buildings are closed.