Truck drivers are being asked to lookout for an illegal and dangerous practice that is on the rise at US-Mexico borders.

Every day border patrol agents are discovering illegal immigrants hiding out behind semi truck cab’s and in their air flow vents, trying to make it into the U.S.

Now border patrol agents are asking for truck drivers to double check their rigs for illegals trying to make it into the country, or get cited for it.

Rio Grande Valley sector border patrol spokesperson Omar Zamora told reporters:

“In many cases [truck drivers] may not know anything about it, but what they can do and what we’re asking them to do is check. It will only take a couple of minutes.”

He described an incident where they found 7 illegal immigrants hiding in one truck, without the driver’s knowledge.

Those that are trying to sneak into the country usually hide out at truck stops, looking for an unsuspecting truck driver headed towards the U.S., and hide in the rig’s air flow vents, hoping to hitch a free ride across the border.

One driver that was unknowingly hauling several illegal immigrants behind his cab says that the citation he received makes it difficult to do his job and causes him delays when trying to cross the border. His name was withheld, but he told reporters:

“Now, when I go to Mexico with my passport, they check me. They put me there like I’m a criminal or something. They check my record and stuff.”

In other words, help them find the bad guys or you may be held liable.