Residents of Lower Nazareth Township in Pennsylvania say truckers who park in town are causing unnecessary damage to their roads — and they want to put an end to it.

“Truckers are trying to find a place where they can hide, or sleep,” board chairman James Pennington said in a recent town meeting.

Pennington mentioned two prime locations where drivers often park in order to rest; the first location is Keystone Drive near Hanoverville road, near an active construction site. The second spot is behind an Applebee’s Restaurant off Route 248.

According to an article in The Morning Call, residents and officials want to put an end to napping truckers, but currently have no way to stop them — that’s because there aren’t any laws or weight restrictions preventing drivers from stopping there.

Town officials say they are currently looking into enacting local ordinances in order to officially prohibit semi trucks from parking there. Until that happens, they have no choice but to deal with it.