A truck driver got lost on some back roads earlier this week and ended up discovering a family of dogs that needed his help.

The unidentified truck driver says he was making a delivery in Peconic, New York when he got lost on a dirt road. At the end of the road, he noticed a dirty pen with three beagle dogs inside. The dogs seemed cold and had no food or water, so the driver promptly called the North Fork Animal Welfare League.

“He was very concerned. He called the shelter stating there were 3 beagles outside in a pen with no food or water — and the pen was filthy,” said Gabrielle Stroup, a member of the NFAWL.

When a member of the NFAWL showed up to assess the dogs’ situation, she agreed with the driver that the dogs were living in poor conditions, and went to work rescuing the animals.

“While at the location, the owner showed up,” explained Gillian Wood Pultz, executive director of the NFAWL to the Farmingdale Patch.

“The owner willingly surrendered the dogs, and they are now at the NFAWL’s Peconic location on Peconic Lane,” Stroup explained.

“They are all super sweet, typical beagles. Please come in and visit them. They do not have to go home together,” Stroup continued.

The three Beagles, Delilah, Deedee, and Dunkin, are now well fed and warm as they wait to find their forever homes, thanks to the mystery truck driver.

Anyone interested in adopting one or all of the beagles is urged to email [email protected] or call 631-765-1811 Ext. 1.