A trucker seriously injured on the job received help from a driver he barely knew recently after the man offered to complete his delivery, allowing the injured trucker to collect his paycheck even as he recovered in the hospital.

The injury happened in Davidson, Saskatchewan, Canada, but the story began in Athol, Idaho and stretches all the way down to Texas.

According to KHQ News, truck driver W.K., who lives in Athol with his wife, Marsha Hertig, owns a trucking business and spends most of his life on the road in Texas, but when W.K. was offered a job hauling a load to Fort Wainwright in Alberta, Canada, he took it.

During his trip, W.K. stopped in Davidson to adjust a tarp on his truck, and that’s when things went horribly wrong.

“He fell on his right hip and he carries a leather man tool and so when he fell it broke his pelvis all the way through,” Hertig said.

W.K was then taken to a hospital for treatment and recovery but was forced to leave his rig, and subsequently his payday, behind. That’s when a friend of a friend of W.K.’s stepped in to help in the unfortunate situation.

“He stopped by the hospital in Saskatoon to get the keys from WK and got the truck and delivered the load,” Hertig explained.

“And then put his little Yukon on our trailer so he would have a way home and brought it down to our place,” she continued.

Now that the truck is home and W.K. is in recovery, Hertig is focused on getting an emergency passport that would allow her to visit her injured husband.

“I just need to see him, they tell me they are taking very good care of him and all of that, but he is my husband and I just want to see him,” she explained.

W.K. will be kept in the hospital for at least a few more weeks, forcing the couple to miss spending Mother’s Day together. However, Hertig says that the two should be reunited before their 30th wedding anniversary next week- all thanks to a friend of a friend who found it in his heart to help out a fellow trucker.