A member of the LiveTrucking.com’s ‘Trucker Feed’ Facebook group recently asked drivers what the craziest things they’ve seen on the road were. The thread had more than 90 responses — some of which were terrifying, while others were downright hilarious.

Here are the best answers (that were clean enough to be posted on the site).

Saddest thing was mommy putting on makeup at 75 mph with a darling one in a car seat in the back. -Aeron Quinn

The first one I remember is I got boob flashed & then pressed against the passenger glass. I said ” I ain’t never seen that before” & she came on the Radio & said ” you can believe it cause it happened to you !! ” This lady was no Bow Wow either!! -Harlis Ellington

I had a female PT that was a driver. She said she used to drive around topless. She told her dispatch that if men can do it so can she. She said she caused another driver to hit a sign doing that. 🙂 -Ashley Hoffman Stahl

Breast feeding while driving was the most notable thing. It’s none of my business if she does it and I’d be the first person to defend her in a public setting, but not while driving. -Clinton Kirker

This is the best yet… Lady in her 20’s was driving on 95 South, had her feet on passenger seat, laptop on her lap, cell phone in her hand steering with her elbow @ 80 mph!!! -Joseph Jones

I had one pace me late at night, then flip the interior light on and the girl in the passenger seat flashed me. They couldn’t see in my truck and I guess they just assumed it was a man driving. So I did what any one with a sense of humor and no shame would do. I flipped my interior light on and showed her mine! The look on her face made me almost piss myself laughing. Next thing you know, they sped off at a high rate of speed. -Cheryl Wilkinson

Seen another driver rolling across 10 one night had his laptop sitting on his steering wheel playing World of Warcraft, passing me in the hammer lane no less. -Daniel Atkins

I had a ol granny flash her self & they had chains across them!! -Joseph Jones

Saw a woman rip open a box of Irish Spring bar soap and take a bite out of it. -Randy Whisnant

Saw a chick using a breast pump. Not sure how I felt about it -Joe Reed

Police officer drinking coffee and knee to wheel while other knuckle deep in nose. -Fil Ramirez-Howland

Saw a guy pleasuring his girlfriend/wife in a Corvette with the top down. Also saw a cow piss out of a cattle trailer into a convertible in stopped traffic on the highway. -Marc Mueller

One morning going north on I-55 in Arkansas there was a car going north and never got out of the left lane. It kept approaching slowly up along side of me and I could not see the driver but could see the passenger. When it finally got next to me I nearly crashed my self when I seen what was going on. The driver was laid back in the seat asleep with the cruise on and the passenger was steering the car. These were two young girls and I at first was going to blow the horn but then I thought hell they might hit me! -Roger Naeger

For the full list (including the not-so-clean answers), check out the thread in the Trucker Feed Facebook group.